What’s The Role Of Aeration In Wastewater Treatment?

The treatment of wastewater is crucial for disposing the clean water into the environment or using it for various purposes, like gardening, cleaning, washing utensils, etc. 

Aerated Wastewater treatment is the process of adding air into wastewater to stimulate aerobic biodegradation of the contaminants or impurities present in the water. Chemical treatments involve the use of chemicals to degrade pollutants. On the other hand, biological treatments use microorganisms to decompose.

When is Aeration Used?

The activated sludge process comes under the secondary treatment used in industrial wastewater treatment. The process of aeration involves pumping air into a tank that accelerates the microbial growth in the wastewater. The microorganisms depend on the organic material, forming a mass of particles that settle down.

Look out for Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems to encourage the process of aeration for purifying water.

How does Aeration Work?

Bacteria in the water need oxygen for the biodegradation process. Aeration supplies oxygen to microorganisms for treating wastewater. The bacteria are responsible for disintegrating the carbon present in the organic matter into carbon dioxide and water, using the supplied oxygen.

Without dissolved oxygen, the process of degradation should occur under septic conditions. 

Why is Aeration Crucial for Waste water treatment?

Aeration is considered to be the pivotal component of a treatment system with the activated sludge process. It nullifies the problems like algae growth and stratification. Aeration improves the water quality by maintaining the nutrient-oxygen balance.

The use of an aerated wastewater system is important if you want to make the process eco-friendly. 


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